I am a lawyer by day and a writer by toddler bedtime. My writing explores motherhood and the creative life.
My debut novel, AFTER ANNE, was released in 2023 by HarperCollins. For fans of Anne of Green Gables and for anyone who loves learning about the real lives of authors responsible for creating our most enduring characters, the novel tells the life story of the author Lucy Maud Montgomery.
After graduating from Pomona College and Harvard Law School, I clerked for three federal judges, spent six years in Big Law, and spent three years as an Assistant United States Attorney. I now specialize in brief writing at a boutique law firm.
Balancing lawyering, writing, and mothering is not easy, but I have found that they complement more than compete. Being a lawyer makes me a clearer writer, being a writer makes me a happier lawyer, and being a mother makes me a more grounded one of each.
I live in Denver with my husband David, our daughter, and the cranky old man of the house, a Russian Blue cat named Taggart.
Email Logan at hello@logansteiner.com or by using the button below.

Please direct all media and speaking inquiries to:
Kaitlyn Kennedy
Book Clubs
All book club scheduling is done via Novel Network. This is a free service that arranges a 30 minute online visit either by FaceTime, Skype, or phone. The visit is free and so is your membership. There is, however, a small fee for longer, one-hour online and/or in-person visits. Please click here to sign up for your Novel Network membership and to request an in-person or online visit to your book club!
You can find book club discussion questions for AFTER ANNE here!